Set Account-Level MCC Controls

Use the Set Account-Level MCC Controls endpoint to create or modify account-level MCC controls. See Set MCC Controls for instructions on using this endpoint.

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.

Status codeDescription
609-01The provided MCC range is already set in the product block list. Please use a different MCC range.
609-02The provided allow or deny request needs to be the same as set for its account level controls.
609-03The provided allow or deny request needs to be the same as set for its product level controls.
609-04The provided MCC range overlaps with an existing account level control. Please use a different MCC range.
609-05The provided MCC range overlaps with an existing product level control. Please use a different MCC range.
609-07The provided MCC range creates overlap issues with an existing velocity ALC with an MCC range. Please use a different range or modify the existing velocity ALC with the overlapping MCC range.
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